Motivated by the belief that every individual deserves access to transformative knowledge, our content aims to unpack some of the more intricate aspects of the human condition through the a blend of science and spiritual education. By exploring these complexities, we hope to provide you with deeper insights that will enhance your understanding, and empower your journey of inner exploration and self-discovery. Our commitment is to equip you with the tools and perspectives needed to navigate your path with structure, clarity, and purpose.

It has been proven in quantum physics, through the "double slit" experiment, that particles also have awareness. In short, a particle (photon, electron and other types) collapses from vibrational wave form into particle form upon OBSERVATION.

So basically they know when we are looking at them. Just looking! If they change properties just by us becoming aware of their existence, makes sense to believe that these particles are quantum entangled with our consciousness. And what can be entangled, other than pieces of "information" that are part of the same whole? Thus, we think, its safe to assume that these bits of atoms have consciousness. And since everything is made out of atoms, we can assume that everything has consciousness.

Not only that but it pretty much proves that its the consciousness that generates our physical reality. So basically, its not our brain that generates consciousness, but its consciousness that generates our brain. Might be a bit difficult to process, but the experiment itself is peer reviewed science, proven and duplicable.

Come to think about it we experience quantum entanglement as individuals on a daily basis. We call them synchronicities. Of course some might call them coincidences. But anyway.

Everything that exists at its most basic form, is simply pure energy. All things are created from this energy. This is why its said, that everything is one. Its all about different vibrational frequencies. So what is frequency? Its the rate at which energy vibrates. The frequency of a wave, refers to the number of oscillations the string of energy makes in a given time frame. Our thoughts, bodies, physical or non physical objects, are made of this same energy. They appear different in nature just because they are vibrating at a different frequency rate.

Its the vibrational frequency rate of the string of energy, that dictates what form the energy takes. For example matter is energy that has a low vibrational frequency rate. Thoughts and feelings on the other hand, are energy that have a high vibrational frequency rate. They vibrate so fast that they dissapear from the perception range of our physical senses.

Complete understanding of the Law of Attraction

Many people think that wishing, is what attracts the thing they wish for. When in fact wishing, is the very thing that will repel it.

If we look at it from a vibrational frequency perspective, wishing, needing and expecting, implies not having that thing. And what we send to the universe is in fact the vibrational frequency of lack. This is why, when we look for things, we can`t find them, and we find them when we don`t need them anymore. We can all relate to that.

So, in order for this to work properly, we have to find a way to wish for it without holding any of these attachments.

What we can do is simply picture it in our heads. Actively picturing it in our heads, is creating it in the fabric of consciousness, which implies that we would like to have it.

So the universe is notified of our desire, without us feeling the actual desire for it. Holding no attachment, does not repel the object of desire, and allows the universe to bring it to us.

No expectation. When, where, and how it will happen, we have to leave that in the hands of the universe to create the circumstances needed for our wish to manifest.

But we can`t sit back, relax and just wait for the universe to bring it to us. If an opportunity that could bring us closer to what we wish to attract reveals itself, we have to seize it. That includes having the chance to actually work for it.

Picturing it when we don`t have it, behaves as something new, separate from the real experience of not having it, because there is no attachment to connect it with the real experience. So the energies of the circumstances that remind us that we don`t have it, don`t interfere with the energy of that something new - the picture in our heads.

When opportunity arrives, consciously believing that we will not get it, will actually work in our favour. Things happen when we least expect them.

Conscious belief from a vibrational frequency perspective is actually doubt.

When we believe something consciously, it means that we don`t know it with certainty. When we know something with certainty, we don`t believe it, we know it.

Do not confuse with believing unconsciously. Believing unconsciously means we take our beliefs as truths, without questioning them. Nothing to do one with the other.

You may ask. "If we believe it consciously, does it not become an unconscious belief which makes it true for us?" It can. But integration of a belief takes practice and repetition. When opportunity is already knocking at the door, the subconscious doesn`t have time to integrate that as a belief.

When we believe that maybe it will happen, we simply believe. When we believe that something will happen with certainty, we believe that "we know for sure". Its still a belief. But it gives us a false sense of certainty. Because how can we know for sure? It might happen or not. On short term, this false certainty is detrimental. Not because it holds no ground to stand on, but because its just another form of attachment. We are certain that we will get it - hence we expect it. But on long term, when subconscious is given this repetitive information consistently, it takes it as a truth. And that`s when it becomes beneficial.

Which leans into the next method

Wishing for it as if the event already happened.

Feeling like we already have it can easily be translated into a sense of gratitude which also attracts. This is the reason why rich get richer and poor get poorer. Because the rich are drenched in the feeling of already having and poor people are drenched in the feeling of not having.

In this scenario we are pretty much trying to trick our minds into believing something that is not our current reality, but we would like to make it. We can`t just pretend. We have to actually feel it with all our heart. It works. Our subconscious doesn`t know the difference between reality and imagination. It just executes commands. The more we do that, the more our brain creates new neural pathways that support our desired reality.

But. When we feel like we already have it, it does not behave as something new, separate from the reality we already experience. Want, need, and expectation are out of the question. Because we "already have it". How can we want something we already have? But having something is the very definition of attachment. And the energies of the circumstances that remind us that we don`t have it, do interfere with the energies of feeling like we already have it. So it takes consistent practice and patience, because finally we have to feel like we have it more time than we feel like we don`t have it. And obviously that is a bit hard to do when we are constantly reminded by circumstances that we don`t have it. So this becomes not just a method of attraction but also a holistic lifestyle.

And finally, we can use gratitude to attract more of what we already have.

We already have them and that makes the circumstances that remind us that we don`t have them, non existent.

"lord works in mysterious ways". not so mysterious now, isn`t it ?

We can use the three methods separately or simultaneously. But since the first two methods are contradictory in their approach, if we want to use them simultaneously, we have use them for separate goals (short term/long term), so we don`t send mixed signals to the universe. Also, our object of attraction must be achievable in relation to the method, from the stand point of the situation we are currently in. For example, we can`t use the first method to attract a large amount of money. We must be realistic and acknowledge that a large amount of money, is more of a long term goal. So we can use the first method to attract smaller amounts, realistically probable in the situation we find ourselves in. At the same time use the second method, where we feel like we already have the large amount of money, on a daily basis. Feeling the picture of the small amount of money, or believing that we will not get the opportunity when it arises, will have nothing to do with the feeling that we already have the large amount, so the signals we send, don`t get mixed. At the same time we practice gratitude for the money we already have.

Three different, umixed signals.

We can apply this in literally every area of our lives not just for money. The one thing we have to be careful about is making distiction between long term and short term goals.

By not holding attachments in the immediate future we are giving ourselves space to live the present moment.

The energy that animates our physical bodies and that of creatures in the animal kingdom, has a very high vibrational frequency rate. Most of us call that energy a soul or a spirit. We are basically souls, having THE HUMAN BODY EXPERIENCE.

If everything is pure energy, which makes everything only one thing, that makes us unique expressions of that one thing. Unique points of attention in this energy field. Different perspectives of the same one thing.

Our 5 senses condition us to the physical reality and because of that, most of the time we miss what`s right in front of our eyes, and its been all of our lives. What are we talking about ?


We are born immersed inside this awareness and because of that, we pretty much take it for granted. We fail to properly notice it. We mostly use it to get on with our lives. Which is ironic if we come to think about it. We`re using consciousness in an unconscious way. We`re pretty much sleep walking through life. But what if we start being aware of our consciousness more often?

What is one of the characteristic that our consciousness has in common with what we call God?

The ability to experience everything.

Its also said that God can see everything. Now it kind of makes sense that everything has consciousness, right?

The default mode of every individual on the planet is to think that every action he takes, every thought he has, comes from "him". Because we are not 2 physical bodies. We only have one. So the logical program we are drenched in is to believe that "i am one unit". When in fact, in every individual body on the planet exist THREE DISTINCT ENTITIES.

Our true self and our shadow self. Think of our true self as the divine spark that breathes life into our bodies and our shadow self as the lens that we perceive the physical world through. Our soul and our ego, our sense of self in the physical reality. And then there`s consciousness.

Both soul and ego speak to us through our consciousness. Consciousness through itself. And the thing that creates such confusion in our daily internal battles is that all three of them speak inside our heads with the SAME VOICE.

Soul and ego have decision power because they both have desires and impulses.

Consciousness on its own, is pretty much neutral, but has decision power through what we call "free will". Can choose ego path or soul path. More than that, has also the power of observation. Its through awareness that we record and understand the data of our experiences. And since we are always aware, it overlaps with either ego or soul. Soul and ego cannot overlap.

Soul can also perform an act independent of consciousness decision. And so can the ego. But since consciousness is always aware, recording the data of the experience, its overlapping with soul or ego, "warping" instantly into what gives the sensation of unity. Be it thought, feeling or action.

Let`s say you like to paint and you`re fully immersed in the act of painting and time flies by instantly, you`re living the moment. You are aware of what you are doing and through conscious action, you can choose to stop at any time. But its not the consciousness who`s driving the act, its coming from the heart. And then lets say you are really angry and you lash out when the spark occurs. You are aware of what`s happening and (although hard) you can choose to stop at any time. But the driving force behind it its not coming from your awareness. Nor from a place of love. Its comming from the ego. Now think of someone meditating. Just observing his thoughts bad or good in a purely objective manner. Pure awareness without attachment. That`s consciousness.

In this description we tried to present the basics, and came up with the most simple and obvious examples where we can make a clear distinction.

Now we don`t need to make an effort to notice we often have contradictory thoughts. We have a thought that we don`t like and right after we tell ourselves the opposite. So if both soul and ego speak through our consciousness, and all three of them have the same voice, how can we make the difference between who`s who?

They have totally different characteristics.

Soul is "indestructible". Pure intentions. Never does harm. Is fearless. Thoughts and actions come from a place of LOVE. Stands for TRUTH and FREEDOM for you and everyone else at any time. Basically has ALL the positive qualities.

Ego is the flip side of the coin which has all the negative qualities. Envy, frustration, resentment, control, anger, jealousy, etc.

But for now, lets put a pause, and logic down the concepts of "faith, destiny" and "free will". How can there exist two concepts so contradictory at the same time? Which one is true ? Do we have free will or do we have a destiny ? Well, the way we see it, both are true and exists at the same time.

So, what is destiny?

First of all, its not a one stop destination. It has the same number of destinations as the number of your HEART DESIRES. Yes. To follow your destiny is to FOLLOW YOUR HEART.

We are bound to that deep inherent desire. Whether its a new conversation we feel like engaging in, or long life dream, its something that we feel with all our heart that we should pursuit. And in a long life journey, a heart can express many desires, bigger or smaller according to situations and circumstances. But the main characteristic is that it follows the POINT OF THE SUBJECT AT HAND. THAT WHICH STEMS THE HIGHEST POINT OF INTEREST AND EXCITEMENT. And its called destiny because a heart`s desire cannot be CHOSEN nor changed. The circumstances around it can change or you can acquire a new piece of information that paints a clearer picture and because of that you may have a "change of heart". But that`s only because the data of the equation has changed and the result is not the same anymore.

The irony is that when we follow "destiny", that one single option which we are not even choosing, we feel most free. And when we make "a choice", something other than what our heart tells us, we put shackles on us.

This is why when we are "living the moment", we do stuff we love doing without analyzing or thinking about it. We go with the flow of the heart. Reacting instantly, naturally, instinctively, immersed and absorbed by the situation (can be painting, having a conversation, working on something, dancing, anything you really LOVE doing basically). In those moments, time and ego cease to exist. In those moments we live our lives to the fullest expression. We manifest our TRUE SELVES.

So now we know that soul and ego have the same voice in our heads, and because of that, its difficult to make a distinction. Not only that, but because ego has all the negative qualities which includes LYING, it gets exponentially more difficult to make a clear distinction. Ego always finds very clever ways to twist the truth to fit its narrative, and tells lies in such a way that they appear to be the truth, to protect itself and maintain its control over how we perceive the world around us, giving us a false sense of "certainty" that we`re going in the right direction. And all this is happening while WARPED in this sense of "unity".

Moreover, if we go deeper than the surface level, ego has very deep roots. We consciously start experiencing the world around us at a very early age, and from those experiences we make subjective assumptions. Many of those assumptions are wrong. But we can`t know in that moment, because we are too young to discern, and we form beliefs based on those assumptions. And those beliefs become subconscious mechanisms. Whenever we`re put in similar situations we take decisions based on those deeply rooted beliefs, of which we`re not aware anymore. They just run on autopilot deep within our subconscious. And this is how we live most of our lives. Driven by unconscious false beliefs.

So how do we hack this thing? When put like this seems pretty impossible, right?

Let`s untangle.

First of all there are multiple layers a circumstance can hold.

The truth at its core is good. But cannot tolerate a lie. Otherwise, it would mean that truth would have to give up a piece of itself to satisfy the needs of the lie. But truth is the only real thing that exists. It is ABSOLUTE. The truth cannot be scratched. Cannot be hurt. It is the ONE thing we can ALWAYS count on. So that`s why, in the face of the truth, its the lie that ALWAYS gives in eventually.

At the deepest layer, truth is always good.

But good is not always truth.

Because truth is real. And anything real, even though let`s say half of the realities we face are uncomfortable, they are 100% better than illusions, for the obvious reason that illusions aren`t real.

Small Call to Action Headlin

Good when it stands in truth is good.

Good when it stands in non-truth is bad.

Bad when it stands in truth is good.

Bad when it stands in non-truth is bad.

Small Call to Action Headline

Small Call to Action Headline

Now let`s touch on authenticity. What does it truly mean to be authentic. We are being authentic when our thoughts, feelings and actions are aligned with our inner essence. Soul stands in absolute truth. He does not care of what we consciously or unconsciously believe. So that`s why if our thoughts, feelings and actions are not aligned with the real truth, at some point, we get a feeling of discomfort. It can be a strong feeling or a subtle feeling.

Let`s take the above example. Getting angry when the spark occurs. The obvious layer is that we believe or actually have the truth on our side. And because, lets say we actually do have the truth on our side, we think that we are being authetinc when we lash out. But we seem to forget something. Soul not only stands for absolute truth but also for unconditional love and total freedom. So there must be something wrong with this picture, right? The deeper layer of the whole truth is that we lash out because we have unresolved, unhealed trauma or uncosncious false beliefs which trigger us to get angry. The truth that we hold on our side in that situation, has nothing to do with the deeper truth that makes us act the way we act in that situation.

So Yin-Yang has a white dot inside the black and a black dot inside the white.

Does that mean that ego can be good and soul can be bad?

If ego is the definition of bad and soul is the definition of good how can ego be good and soul bad ?

Lets explore.

Ego, through the uncomfortableness that it generates, its basically the engine that propels us towards the truth. And that is good.

Truth, because it is absolute in its nature, always pushes our consciousness towards that absolute.

The reality is that we are born without knowledge, so we know 0% of the absolute truth in the moment of our conception. For the argument`s sake, lets say that with 0% knowledge of truth, we live a comfortable life never knowing what uncomfortable is. Uncomfortable wouldn`t exist. Would we feel like we want to discover the whole truth? We would be comfortable and most likely happy. Would we want to change that? Unlikely. Let`s say that we would like to change something. Would we know how? We wouldn`t have any point of reference because everything would feel comfortable, good or bad.

The problem with this is that not knowing the whole truth, by definition would mean that we would live a lie. And truth, being absolute in its nature, does not accept that. So it creates an engine that propels our consciousness towards that absolute. How do we know that its the truth that creates this egine? Its the only real thing that exists. Nothing else can create anything because nothing else really exists to begin with, except the truth. Lets put it in reverse and say that truth wouldn`t exist. What would there be a lie about?

We are basically born as undiscovered absolute truths and at our very conception, our souls create our egos for the express purpose of getting to fully know itself. We may never know the absolute truth. But we are constantly learning towards that end.

So now, if we look into the negative things that we experience, can we call that a negative mindset?

The constant pursuit of happiness, this "wanting" to feel ONLY good, makes us run away from the things that bother us. We don`t want to feel shame, frustration and all types of bad emotions that culminate with fear. We seem to always try to avoid these things that make us feel bad. We always try to escape, or opose them.

Lets think about what love means. To fully love. To love everything. To love our worst parts. What does that mean?

How can we love something that we hate?

Well, first of all it means not to ignore it.

We have to give it the required attention.

We need to have a curious attitude towards the resistance. We must try to understand it, instead of fighting it or try to escape it.

So instead of running away from the things that bother us, maybe running TOWARDS them is the solution.

As the saying goes "the portal to next level is through the parts of yourself that you avoid".

When we become courageous enough to go through what we are running away from, we realize that the universe conspires to support and guide us towards our true essence. It provides us with precisely the lessons we need to uncover our authentic selves. Embracing our pains and fears becomes a natural process, as it is through these experiences that we come to understand

the truth of who we really are.

Honoring our unique truth, through genuine expression, is not just the only way to live our best lives, but its also the best gift we can give to the world.

We change the situation in the world by changing our individual vibrations from inside out. The vibrations of thoughts and emotions we radiate, is what attracts the outcomes and circumstances we find ourselves in. And no matter how hard we try the get it right, if the outcome we seek does not match the frequency we operate on, it will not manifest. When enough people change their vibrations, collective consciousness will resonate at a different frequency, which will manifest the circumstances needed for the change to happen world wide. No matter how much we try to change things from the outside, it won`t happen if the inside stays the same.

Change inside and outside will change naturally as a result.

We believe that if, while on our path, we can shine a light for others, it is our responsability to do it. The responsability is not towards the people we help, but towards ourselves. Not only that it doesn`t intefere with our own happiness, but it creates it. This is how we actively create our environment.

Cheers to everyone !

Voluntary action

Consciousness is the reality generating "machine".

We can imagine on our own terms, sustainable earth with everything that implies on an individual level to achieve it.

Done on a daily basis, we can create concentrated vibrational rhytmic pulses towards our collective desired outcome.

3pm -6UTC / 3pm +6UTC

just one ping on your phone

Consciousness is the reality generating "machine".

We can imagine on our own terms, sustainable earth with everything that implies on an individual level to achieve it.

Done on a daily basis, we can create concentrated vibrational rhytmic pulses towards our collective desired outcome.

3pm -6UTC / 3pm +6UTC

just one ping on your phone

Credit for the videos goes to creators, we are simply making good use of them.

If any of it makes sense to you, feel free to share